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The Face Tree variety show title

To introduce G. Henry's book the face tree, the face tree variety show was performed before an audience in Ashern, MB. The variety style show contained stories, songs and poems from the book the face tree. Victoria Holowchak, of Lone Pelican Publishing, wrote the following synopsis of the show:
  The show actually started before “the show” with a ruse that the Sign Lady, Jill Munroe, called in sick and Patty Cochrane was coerced by her mother to become the new Jill. Jill was determined to prove to the Barker (G. Henry) that she could do anything better than him. The Barker opened the show by calling the audience into a world of a talking twelve-foot tiger fly, a dancing cat and mouse, and flying wingless donkeys.
  Homer Gilfrey (John Cochrane) was frustrated by his failed black hole explosion experiment, and he was frenzied by a henpecking wife (Patsy Klyne) who felt terribly neglected and wanted more “intimate” conversations with her snake-eyed coward of a man. Joel Fillerstone (Merle Klyne) shared his episodes of trying to eliminate his nemesis--a well-groomed princess mouse.

  James W. Erwaskle (Duncan Geisler) sang his way into marriage and ended up in Cuba as Adam, smoking Fidel Castro’s cigars with Eve (Victoria Holowchak). Ordelto (Pastor Bill Watson) swooned the crowd with his baritone voice with some good advice of who to call on in times of need. G. Henry answered the question: “what in the world is the face tree?” After the cast sang a grand finale song called “EH!”, everyone enjoyed coffee and dainties as Homer Gilfrey and wife handed out eight door prizes.
  James Bezan, MP for Selkirk-Interlake, shared words of congratulations to G. Henry and encouragement for supporting the arts. Over 80 people attended, and a total of $324 in donations was shared equally between the Lakeshore Hospital Guild and Ashern L.I.F.E. Sincere thanks go out to Moosehorn Co-op, Ashern Insurance, and Art Bookbindery (Winnipeg) for matching the donation of 10% of book sales.
  Thank you to those people who lent props and to those who helped with behind the scene preparations. A very big thank you also goes to all those who attended the event.

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